brave Seasonal Cleanses
Learn How to practice a traditional Ayurvedic & Yogic Cleanse
with authentic practices and Pancha Karma for all abilities ....

Just like Nature around us, this time of seasonal change, is when the body starts to come out of it's Winter go-slow and prepare of a time of new growth.
Much like the ice on the great peaks of the Himalaya, our stores of unwanted fats with residues of toxins, are going to melt in Spring and be stored in Autumn - Some of you may even be experiencing this liquid in the form of sinusitis or hay fever, or your body may be pushing these out through your biggest organ,your skin in the form of a rash or diarrhea - if you're lucky!
For many, we have abused our bodies for so long they no longer have these options available, so our "stores" and their toxic sludge are staying there put - pesticides, additives, medications, even anesthetic, not to mention the chemicals produced by your own negative emotions & thought patterns - All sapping our energy, forming the basis of a tumor, polluting glands or lymph and over-loading our digestions, livers, kidneys and lives. Who would live in their home for a year without cleaning it or throwing away the trash - But we do this to our first home - our body! None of us would dream of driving our cars at high speed, revving to the max & flooding the engine, clogging it with cheap fuels every day, but never stopping to replace the oil, water or anti-freeze - at brave, we follow the ancient yogic tradition of a GENTLE and light fast at these times, and only when the weather is consistently warm enough to sweat,
so we can get rid of what we let go of - in all respects
So what is a fast or cleanse really?
In the West, we have many misconceptions & errors in view when it comes to purification and fasting. We think of both requiring extreme approaches & fanatical methods - for short periods of time. and when it suits us - rather than Mother Nature...But in actuality, to fast means to 'lighten', to give your body a little holiday from constant churn... allow it time to reset it's instruments, metabolism and work on your cellular health rather than having an over-loaded dustbin, full of physical, mental and emotional rubbish to deal with. you'll probably eat more than you usually do! and therefore how you experience your life. It’s just not physiologically possible for stress loving, a toxin filled brain to fire evenly and calmly! and hopefully it'll stay that way....

high value nutrients, in volume, and in "easy to digest & absorb' form
intake of food and water at the best times of day for the body to use them
oil to lubricate the channels that move the residues of toxic fats out
bulk and fiber to push waste through the sewers :)
gentle practices that promote cleansing, metabolism & ease - physically mentally and emotionally.
should everyone practice fasting or a cleanse ?
why do some people find it easier to fast or cleanse than others?
why do some experience ill effects?
well because we ARE all in different bodies!
Just take a look around you..
The oldest medicinal system known as Ayurveda, much like traditional Chinese & African medicines are guided by the elements. Ayurveda then groups the elements into 3 main constitutional types....
you may have heard of: Vata, Pitta and Kapha. each of these groupings has specific attributes and characteristics...
It also says that when these accumulate, they create UNease that leads to DISease.
These accumulations are called Dosha. Much like with the plant kingdom, you can't feed and water a cactus, an orchid and a wind flower the same way, and expect good results.Yogic Science teaches that we should all undergo a cleanse in our life time, ideally annually, and then once we are established in that - we can even practice fasting once a month or even once a week, depending on our constitution and situation. So our brave seasonal cleanse is designed to be safe for all 3 constitutional types.
How can you be sure you're cleansing safely?
There are some exceptions... ONE SHOULD NEVER FAST WHEN UNDER GOING INTENSIVE MEDICAL TREATMENT for example chemo, radiation, surgery, even some 'alternative' treatments like etc it may result in you absorbing more toxins rather than the desired cleanse, you may also cause your organs to suffer immense strain and cause serious problems or damage. at brave, we do advocate our regime for those in the later stages of Recovery at our center, including those with issues like immobility, disability, allergies, those who have had chronic illnesses in the past - but under guidance. It's also not advisable to practice these regimes if you are pregnant or trying to become pregnant. Children, the frail or elderly should not fast. If you are unsure, check with your doctor or brave!
Can anyone join and be guided through the seasonal cleanse?
Because we often have to help those who have fasted incorrectly, or have become ill or even addicted to extreme fasts and diets and those who have been given confusing and often incorrect advice, this year, we are opening up our full brave seasonal cleanse regime to all of you! We hope this will also help those who may get tempted by the evil fast food tokoloshi :)
We’ve planned a spring cleanse journey, you can join and get the individual constitutional guidance we all need, when going through a cleanse. You'll also get the group support to stay on course in this tumultuous sea of change!
unfortunately this year we are limiting our annual Cleanse to those ABLE TO JOIN US IN PERSON
we host seasonal cleanses in April/May and September/October based on weather & temperature
currently our retreats are held at the newly built WHEELCHAIR ACCESSIBLE beautiful Retreat Facility at Chrysalis Academy
in the ancient Tokai Forrest....
we would love to have you join us ...... all abilities welcome.

Our Retreats are guided by Radha (Robyne Conway) herself the survivor of a traumatic spinal cord
injury, an advanced remedial Yoga Therapy teacher, an Advanced Ayurvedic Therapist & Lay Homeopath specializing in Recovery. She is also the Founder & CEO of the brave foundation, a registered NPO specializing is supporting those in recovery from serious physical trauma & chronic illness. To date, brave has guided over 3000 people through Recovery.
She is extensively trained in the Sivananda, Satyananda & Himalayan Lineages.
Radha also hosts regular brave remedial clinics at Amritapuri Ashram in Kerela, India for those in Recovery. She is initiated into a life of service and has taught daily for 17 years, on a donation basis.
Special thank you to Chrysalis for their donation of our incredible mobility inclusive venue

so should everyone fast and cleanse ?
why do some people find it easier to fast or cleanse than others?
why do some experience ill effects?
because we ARE all in different bodies! Just take a look around you...
The oldest medicinal system known as Ayurveda, groups everything into 3 main constitutional types you may have heard of: Vata, Pitta and Kapha.
each of these groupings has specific attributes and characteristics...
It also says that when these accumulate, they create UNease that leads to DISease....
These accumulations are called Dosha.
Much like with the plant kingdom, you can't feed and water a cactus, an orchid and a wind flower the same way, and expect good results. Yogic Science teaches that we should all undergo a cleanse in our life time, ideally annually, and then once we are established in that -
we can even practice fasting once a month or even once a week, depending on our constitution and situation. our brave seasonal cleanse is specifically designed to be safe for all 3 constitutional types.
There are some exceptions...
ONE SHOULD NEVER FAST WHEN UNDER GOING INTENSIVE MEDICAL TREATMENT for example chemo, radiation, surgery, even some 'alternative' treatments like etc it may result in you absorbing more toxins rather than the desired cleanse, you may also cause your organs to suffer immense strain and cause serious problems or damage.
At brave, we do advocate our regime for those in the later stages of Recovery, including those with issues like immobility, disability, allergies, those who have had chronic illnesses in the past - but under guidance. It's also not advisable to practice these regimes if you are pregnant or trying to become pregnant. Children and the frail and elderly should not fast.
If you are unsure, check with your doctor and with us at brave!
There are a number of Yogic & Ayurvedic PRACTICES & PANCHA KARMA we'll EXPERIENCE
using traditional items including Jala Neti, dry brushing & Abhyanga, tongue cleaning, Kanjal, Tratak, ayurvedically medicated oils, ghees & salts, daily asana, kriya, mudra, mantra and pranayamas

so to make it easy we have created a bespoke brave Seasonal Yogic & Ayurvedic Cleanse kit specially for you
it contains everything you need to practice with us or at home...
our comprehensive, easy to follow little brave book of Yogic & Ayurvedic Seasonal Cleanses
an organic, chemical free brave Dosha pacifying & Ayurvedically blended thailum
or Massage Oil with wooden comb for Abhyanga
An Ayurvedic traditional tongue cleaner with our brave mouth oil for oil pulling
A 100% cotton body scrub glove, wooden brush or Vetiver scrubber
Psyllium seed husk & organic Turmeric powder
unrefined natural sea Salt for nasal washing & Kanjal as well as, Ayurvedically blended Salt with organic herbs & spices, for body Scrubbing, compresses/ traditional bolus or steam inhalation
Organic brave detox tea infusion, ginger & cinnamon sticks
a little clay lamp with wick and organic hand-rolled incense for the practice of tratak meditation
if you are interested in coming with us into Nature to cleans your whole being,
please join us and we will let you know as soon as one is coming up... look forward to meeting you!

because brave is a registered NPO we try to keep all costs as low as possible for as many to participate. If you are blessed and would like to donate a seasonal cleanse kit, or a place at our Retreat, to someone in need please let us know! If you would like a place on a cleanse or a kit sponsored, please email us motivating your request at or contact us through this website. All brave products are made by the brave for the brave, are chemical and additive free, 100% natural and hand-made,
Ayurvedically blended and when possible - organically sourced.
what can you expect during a brave Seasonal Cleanse Retreat?
the Retreat phase of our Cleanse runs over 4 to 5 days..usually over a weekend or ideally a long weekend
Day One
OUR RETREATS BEGIN IN THE EVENING to allow for your work day
they include a shared ritual for setting the atmosphere and intention for our practices, a shared light meal and preparatory self-practice for the cleanse.
Day Two - we greet the dawn, have an entire day and evening of learning and practices. we will serve an Ayurvedically prepared lunch constitutionally appropriate lunch, drink infusions and have fresh snacks
and a light liquid supper you will learn how to make food and drink choices for your constitution ( Prakritti) and situation (Vkritti) as well as a few simple recipes like Kechari, Saturday evening we practice our first Pancha Karma.
Day Three - an early dawn meditation and pancha karma,and the beginning of the only day of Fasting and liquids PRANAyama, Forrest bathing and Yoga Nidra.
we either depart the venue and continue practices at home or if over a long weekend, we remain in Nature!
Day 4 we break the fast first day of Ayurvedic eating and Yogic cleansing practices on your own
until evening 6pm - we recap what we have learnt, share experiences and complete the first stage of the Retreat,
You will be given details of practices for those whose mobility or transportation is limited, to practice at home....
we continue for a 3 day, 5 day, 7 day or 14 day period of yogic & ayurvedic meals, practices and pancha karma.
we have a brave Spring Cleanse support chat and our brave recovery warriors group to share experiences and ask questions for the entire duration of the cleanse, Those able are invited to join our WEEKLY group practices at brave for the duration of your cleanse.

so what will you learn?
The Ayurvedic principle of eating what you lives around you
Abhisheka – washing & Dry brushing, using Salts and Boluses, warm and cold compresses
the traditional techniques of tongue scraping, Jala Neti, Keffir and Oil Pulling
Oils and Abhyanga - how to do a detoxing self-massage
how to use detoxing teas, with constitutional recipes Is apple cider, honey and lemon right for my body?
The dangers of dry-fasts.
Boosting metabolism: Asana, Kriya and The Tibetan love for cold water immersion
hot water and liquids during cleanses.
Pranayama & inhalation therapies - The traditional use of steams
Ghee therapies – for those with agitated sinuses and eyes
using Ayurvedic supplements – Triphala, Ashwaganda, Guggul correctly and safely
Rasayana – restorative Yogic & Ayurvedic tonics
using gentle & restorative Hatha Yoga Asana for cleansing - all abilities.

what will we actually be practice during the Seasonal Cleanse Retreat?
our goal is to help you experience and develop a taste for Ashram living!
Two 1hr 45 min gentle, Purifying traditional Hatha Yoga practices with Pranayamas, mudra, bhanda & savasana/relaxation.
Two intensive 40 minute Yoga Nidra, "the practice of watching oneself sleep"
an ayurvedic taste test, detailed demonstrations of all pancha karma - abhyanga (self-massage) tongue cleaning, nasal washing, body scrubbing, stomach washing and asana for cleanses.
We'll enjoy an early morning mountain walk together in nature, take in the fresh new Life-force moving around us, and sit together for purifying Tibetan Practices and meditations
we will scrub and wash clear our bodies and pranic layers, try our Jala Neti, followed by a meditation.
Karma Yoga – the best way to purify the heart – as when living in a traditional ashram, we will prepare our meals, clean and wash dishes, assist those with limited mobility, and help – each other – in every way
each person’s constitution & dosha propensity will be given, with Ayurvedic foodlists and individual advice on yogic practices & pancha karma for their individual needs . As well as, an overview on common problems like insomnia, gut problems, constipation, fevers etc.
Question and answer sessions, discuss group experiences of the cleanse, and how to continue the seasonal cleanse into everyday living – easy integration tips and tools to make this a way of life, complete with recipes & remedies for you and your family.
brave will provide special instructions for those with health issues or on meds to safely join us. All attending the Retreat are invited to continue practice at Brave in Bokaap for the following two weeks on Wednesdays and Saturdays, or on their own, if they have been given permission to do so by the teachers leading the retreat.
living in the Swara - Yogic 'right living'
Of course, the real rewards of well being, EASE rather than DIS EASE
& living longer are reason enough to devote 3 to 12 days this year to cleansing this incredible instrument - YOUR BODY.
Both brave & Chrysalis are Non-Profit organizations and so are committed to keeping costs to a minimum and being INCLUSIVE of all abilities. To this end we have subsidized the costs and fees for attending the Cleanse, and issued 14 places for those attending who do not currently have the means to cover this cost.

The total cost is on average R 1 700.00 but may vary depending on location including accommodation, meals, Pancha Karma Kit and all materials.
if you would like to make a donation towards a place for a brave in need it is Tax deductible from SARS.
If you would like to join our retreat mailing list please click our join button or email us at
For those in faraway places, or can't get to brave, do not fear :) there is enough in your brave seasonal cleanse booklet & Cleanse kit to practice on your own. We'll be happy to give support through the period online on our facebook group – brave recovery warriors
The cost of a brave Ayurvedic Cleanse Kit is R 840 .00
excluding courier. You are welcome to collect from our collection box at our centre in BoKaap anytime or we will be happy to courier by arrangement
Please be aware that in the yogic spirit, you will be asked to share a room. we will endeavor to place couples and friends together. You may also elect to follow the traditional way and share with someone of the same gender and abstain from physical contact for the Retreat period. Those with immobility can request to share with their care

"Health is not everything,
But nothing is worth anything without it.
There is a difference between those two temporal blessings,
health and money.
MONEY is the most envied but least enjoyed.
HEALTH is the most enjoyed but least envied;
& this superiority of the latter is still more obvious when we reflect that the poorest man
would not part with health for money,
but the richest would gladly part with every cent for health.
Turiyana Achariya -
Glenn Ross Hudson
