give a little Xmas heartLight to Nyanga!
its that special time of year again when we all get a chance to really change lives! This year at our brave Nyanga program in the informal settlement, we have 64 adults and 108 children! So its going to be quite a Xmas Party! Each person will receive a food hamper the cost of which is R80 ($6) per hamper to feed the family for 1 month and a gift they have asked for R20 ($1.50). Please consider sponsoring a hamper or a full Xmas pack per person for R100 ($7). Please consider us if you have a company that wants to light up some hearts & tummies!
We will issue receipts of donation you can submit to SARS for rebate.
We would so love to donate a jungle Gym for the kids in the community, if u have one you have outgrown ;) or are able to sponsor it will be greatly appreciated.
To donate now
please inbox, or email for bank details
or click here
For those who don't know, the past 9 years Brave has been running a very much appreciated and effective Brave Remedial Breathing & therapy programme for TB/HIV in Nyanga, with the assistance of private donations from Massimo Magerman and family, and you, our brave collective.
This involves weekly remedial therapy, nutritional & medicinal supplements. We teach our TB & HIV patients immune boosting therapeutic Yoga & movement, an intensive lung strengthening breathing programme as well as a hot bowl of soup made at Brave, bread, Honey - before taking meds, for many their only meal of the day or for some, their only meal in days!
Each year we have a hugely successful and much appreciated Christmas party for our 50 + patients - Its been the talk of NYANGA ever since thanks to all those who offered their support - in so many ways!
We are hoping you will join us again in bringing BRIGHT, BIG AND LASTING smiles to Nyanga on the 14th of December -
Since TB/HIV are diseases of ISOLATION, of being shunned -
sometimes being made to live separately from ones own children! we feel strongly that a real GIFT of something special - not just that which we need to survive will really bring some light to our patients lives AND promote their healing -
our little hamper for each patient was enough to support their entire family for a month and really bring a sense of something even more nourishing - HOPE
Please - We implore all reading this to find the courage to open their hearts and HELP our Brave Brothers and Sisters who fight so hard each day for the simplest of things - a roof over their heads, food, and the most valuable - LIFE. Please hear their voice and help us to give
them that gift of health AND a SPECIAL TREAT/GIFT
on the 14th and thereafter
* consider donating R100 ($7)to sponsor a hamper & gift
* make a donation on behalf of your family & friends as their Xmas presentS!
* donate products from your business -
even if its not 60 items
* bring a cake or make a treat for the party
* donate an individual gift of R20 ($1.50)
on the lists attached
* donate the cost of a gift on the list R20 ($1.50)
or more if you want to upgrade :)
you can always get your rebate and give it again!
Please see our lists from our patients listing the gift they are requesting :) (if you wish to sponsor or buy one of these please use their name as your reference.
To see more beautiful pics from previous brave Nyanga Xmas Parties party, there are many more from previous years on our facebook group called brave recovery warriors, simply click the icon. You can also Download our full presentation on our brave Nyanga program here :
and watch a small film made for Amma's birthday
(known as the Hugging Saint, Mata Amritananda Mayi) just click here
we hope you will
* Remember the brave
for your company's social development
* Make a donation -
or just forward this to those you know who can
* Volunteer on Wednesdays
to help prepare our patient packs
* have a brave , bold and blessed Xmas
Physical Trauma & Chronic illness experiences sometimes result in permanent disability and sometimes not - Our mission is to ensure that irrespective of prognosis, those at Brave are empowered and enabled, never limited, and rather go on to lead lives of Ability and unlimited potential. In the words of our Bravest Warrior Madiba..
-"I learned that courage was not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it. The brave man is not he who does not feel afraid, but he who conquers that fear." - Nelson Mandela