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brave paraplegic practising yoga on beach
brave has supported TB/HIV patients in the informal settlement of Nyanga for over 11 years... Now we are asking you to help us create a permanent place of well being in the heart of TsitsikAmma for the community who so desperately needs healing...

We offer all services, therapies & sessions on a DONATION basis.
This does not mean we should expect those offering sessions or therapies to do so for free, or for BELOW what YOU would expect to earn yourselves, or for less than what we would be prepared to pay OTHERS who offer the same or similar services.
It simply means there is NO FIXED FEE, giving us all the opportunity to give from our hearts – no matter how big or small our wallet may be.

The reason for this is, not because we, at brave, who offer our services are in a better position financially than you are, because we are less competent than those who charge handsomely nor because we can afford to do so for less or for free…
It’s so that we, the brave family, can ‘top up’ our donation pool and
help those who genuinely CANNOT AFFORD TO PAY FOR HEALING  and, dear brave, during some stage of Recovery, that will probably be you –   no matter how well off we may be,
Serious Physical Trauma is a very, very expensive business.

Because no matter how good your Medical scheme, insurances, compensations, claims…. You will exhaust these allowances during your treatment  usually a lot quicker than you can imagine.

Most schemes will not cover the years of therapy we need, and many will not allow us the choice of many modalities and practitioners. This is why we choose to fulfill annually, the strict and costly requirements of a registered NPO, so that you can claim all your donations back with your annual Tax Returns – indefinitely. Many at brave require support for a minimum of 2 years and often up to 7 years. But often, even this is not enough, in the immediate…

So we choose to subsidize All support, therapy, consultations, equipment, products and courses at brave and to keep our requested donations at far below market rates –  for everyone.This also enables us to use any additional funds to offer our literature, soaps, oils and therapies in rehabs, hospitals and recovery centers to others that really need them!

download free brave tag WITHLOVE
download free brave guide for your integrated recovery English
download free brave guide for your integrated recovery Xhosa

our little brave book is  FREE in Xhosa & English and written by the brave for the brave

just click the cover with the language you need.

download free brave tag WITHLOVE

"Become brave like lions, but with hearts as soft as butter.

Real bravery is a coming together of compassion and fortitude,which enables one to face anything"  


download free yoga practices for an integrated recovery - you can listen & download
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